Category: Life Coach

What is Life Coaching?

I was coaching before anyone invented the term “Life Coach”.

I would be talking to others about Sales Coaching, Business Coaching, Accountability Coaching, and Health and Fitness Coaching, and someone would often ask, “Are you also a ‘Life Coach’?”

I usually answered, “I guess so”.

Then I found out that’s what I’ve been doing for over 29 years.

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Easiest, Fasted, Most Effective Goal Setting Ever

Most goal setting doesn’t work. As proof, ask anyone how long they stuck to their “New Year Resolution”. It is reported that most don’t get past three weeks.

Why don’t New Year Resolutions usually work?

Why do most folks fail miserably at setting and keeping goals in general?

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Why I Coach

I Believe People Have Unlimited Potential

I believe in people, which means I believe in you.

My job, or dream — as I prefer to put it, is to inspire those that dare to dream to believe in themselves too, because when you truly believe in you, there isn’t anything you can’t do.

How Close Can You Come to Reaching Your Full Potential?

Truly believing optimistically in you is the key.

I know you can do anything you dare to dream. 

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